NEWS!!! 2017 UKI Canada open september 21-24
LEDA WINS 3 National championships + one Reserve Championship!
The "Leda Latest"
Check out NEWS for more details & video *2017 UKI CANADA OPEN. September 21-24. Tara and Leda win the 16" Select National Speedstakes, National Last Chance Master Series, National Master Series Final Championship and go Overall Reserve Champion for Biathlon! New Market, Ontario, Canada *2017 USDAA Regional Steeplechase Champion! July 8-9, 2017 Tara + Leda WIN the Performance 16" Steeplechase Finals at the USDAA New England Regional Championship in Rhode Island. *UKI CANADIAN EASTERN SPRING CUP April 14-15 2017 Tara and Leda win the OVERALL GOLD MEDAL in 16(s)" SPEEDSTEAKS + the OVERALL SILVER MEDAL in Biathlon Agility at the Eastern Spring CUP in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. *IWAC LEDA March 11 2017 Tara and Leda earn their UKI International Win Agility Championship. To earn their IWAC every Qualifying Score had to be a winning (1st place) round. *IAC LEDA February 17, 2017 Tara and Leda earn their International Agility Champion title. *UKI SOUTHEAST CUP January 7-8, 2017 Leda wins OVERALL Reserve Champion for the entire 16(s)" division winning a semi-final spot at the 2017 UKI US OPEN to be held iin Jacksonville, FL Nov 2017. She also wins the 16(s) GAMES CHALLENGE CUP and takes 1st place in Biathlon Agility, Masters Series Agility, Round 2 of Speedstakes and earns a place in the Blue Ribbon Final. *UKI NATIONAL US OPEN November 17-20, 2016 Tara and Leda competed in Perry, Georgia at the highly competitive US Agility Open. Team Leda made the Biathlon Final, the Master Series Finals and the National Semi-Final. *AKC National Agility Championships March 2016. Tara and Leda traveled to Tulsa, OK and placed 3rd in the FINALS! They competed against over 340 of the top 20" dogs from across the country. *Westminster Tara and Leda place 2nd in the Master Jumpers class on February 13, 2016. *MACH LEDA Team Leda earned their AKC Master Agility Championship on January 16, 2016 *Cynosport World Games Team Leda traveled to Tennessee in October 2015 and became Grand Prix Semi-Finalists. *Regional Finalists Team Leda were finalists at the 2015 USDAA Mid-Atlantic AND 2015 New England Regional Championships. IAC LEDA! February 17, 2017 (above)
IWAC LEDA! March 11, 2017 (below) |