Classes November 5 - 10, 2013 USDAA 2013 NATIONAL GRAND PRIX FINAL COURSE
Classes September 10 - 14, 2013
Handling Drill: This week we will continue our lessons in "tunnel choices". The course below is a rendition of a USDAA Biathlon Jumpers challenge. We will first run numbers 1 - 8 and then 8 - 19. Start brainstorming! I look forward to hearing your handling plans.
Classes August 26 - 30 2013
Class Drills: This week we will run a rendition of the AKC Course map below, obstacles #1-11. My version is on the right. In continuing with our "tunnel choice" lessons from last week, we will run these obstacles in several different orders.
Classes August 20 - 26, 2013
This week we will run an AKC course by Judge David Hirsch. The course was run at the Green Mountain Golden Retriever Club trial on Sunday, July 28, 2013. Notice anything . . . peculiar about this course? I am sure you DO! And that odd pinwheel will be in the 'lesson plan spotlight' this week. This is an uncommon challenge, however, it is one that I do not want my students to encounter for the first time AT at trial. The original course map is on the left, my rendition (due to my smaller ring size) is on the right. Level: All handling-level classes will work on this course. Upper-level classes will have the opportunity to run the entire course.
Classes August 12 - 17, 2013
Handling Drill: Keeping with our goal to improve Rear Crosses, we are going to spend another week learning how to identify, run and succeed at Rear Cross handling! Master Level classes will also run this course with Front Crosses. Hint: Where are the Rear Crosses? Can you draw the handling lines? Level: ALL
Classes August 6 - August 10, 2013
Warm Up Drill: Contact Controversy! Levels: ALL. NOTE: Exact location of contacts may be tweaked (a few feet) by class time.
Handling Drill: Run those REARS!!! You will run this drill twice. Once with Rear Crosses and once with Front Crosses. Levels: ALL. However, lower-level classes may ONLY run this drill with Rear Crosses. I anticipate dedicating most of the class time to perfecting those RC's!
Classes July 30 - August 5, 2013
Warm Up Drill: RUN! Hint: Which side of the Dog Walk should you be on? (and how fast can you RUN?) Levels: The first drill will be run by the Novice & Open level classes. The second drill will be run by the Master level classes.
Handling Drill: FC Vs. RC Hint:We will run this drill twice. First with ONLY rear crosses, second with only front crosses. Where should they go? Level: ALL
Classes July 23-27, 2013
Handling Drills 1 & 2: This is ending of the AKC Master Standard course Leda and I ran this past weekend. First we will run it with a 'GO ON' and second with a sharp left turn after the triple. Hint: "Notice the long line of spread jumps required in the 'GO ON'. Also notice how close the end of the weaves are to the tunnel. Take a guess as to how many dogs exited the weaves early, as the tunnel visual 'pulled' them out." Levels: ALL
Here is the video of Leda's run. Take note of the last 5 obstacles, as that is the focus of these drills. We Q'd and tied for 3rd, despite an almost wrong course before the AF... PHEW!!!
Handling Drill: "Oh, to Flick or Ass-Pass" thinks the dog Hint: Keep Fido outta that tunnel when turning to the weaves Level: ALL
Handling Drill: Putting it all together Hint: Let's combine what we've learned! Levels: Open & Master
Classes July 16-20, 2013
Handling Drill: This drill is part of the Master's Pairs course run at the Agile Dogs USDAA trial in Stephentown, NY on Saturday, July 6, 2013. The Judge was Becky Dean. Hint: "Don't over-think #8, the handling solution is simple!" Level: ALL (will be broken down for Novice levels)
Handling Drill: Rear Cross Challenge Hint: "You must include at least ONE Rear Cross in each of the following drills. Bonus points if you can add more!" Level: Novice
Handling Drills: RUN, HUMAN! RUN! Hint: "How will you pre cue the many required turns in each drill?" Level: Open & Master
Classes July 9-13, 2013
This week all sequencing-level classes (Novice - Masters) will run a rendition of CPE Agility Judge Eileen Keegan's Jumpers Course from the Stockade Agility Trial on June 1, 2013. Below you will see Eileen's original course (run in a 100X100 ring) beside my rendition (run in our 90X90 ring). I had to swap some equipment with what I have available and alter obstacle spacing to fit our ring.
NOVICE CLASSES: The course will be "broken down" and we will examine lines and handling options in detail. Rear Cross Drills (not pictured) will also be run.
Additional Class Drills Master's Level
Classes July 2-6, 2013
Warm-Up Drill: Send & GO! Hint: "How can your motion prevent an off-course jump or tunnel between 7-8?" Class Dates: 7/2-7/6 Class Levels: All
Handling Drill: Front Vs Rear Hint: "You will run this drill twice, once with all front crosses and once with all rear crosses." Class Dates: 7/2-7/6 Class Level: Novice & Open
Handling Drills 4 & 5 Class Dates: 7/2-7/6 Class Levels: Open & Masters
*DEMO/SAMPLE* Classes June 25-28, 2013
Warm-Up Drill: Chute Cues! Hint: "BEFORE diving into that Chute, Fido better have a heads-up on where he's going next!" Class Dates: 6/25-6/28 Class Level: All
Handling Drill: Contrasting Contact Cues! Hint: "Fido's destination is very different each time he leaves the AF. How will your cues differ on each drill?" Class Dates: 6/25-6/28 Class Level: Novice & Open
Masters Handling Drill 1 Hint: "Drill #1 is pretty straight forward, looking forward to seeing you handle #'s 7-10. We will discus all handling prior to running!;)" Class Dates: 6/25-6/28 Class Level: Open / Masters * I'm only sharing Drill 1... If you guys like this idea, I'll share more next time.